Saturday 1 June 2019

get used to it..

If you know me personally or through this blog, you already know that I'm a planner. I have a plan A, and B for my life in general, and minor plans. C, D or .. I'm really not sure of how many they are, but anyway.

From my trip to Belgium.

When a plan fails, because of my actions/ decisions, someone's or exterior factors, it breaks my heart. A lot, or a little, depending on the amplitude.

But today I'm not talking about how to act quickly and change plans. Today I'm talking about getting used to change.

I hate change. I hate it so much.

Everyday, I have to get used to washing my hands and not see my old ring.

Stumbling upon gifts is a part of my daily routine. I took a paper and grabbed a random pen from my desk to take notes, and then I realized it was a gift too. I'm not even sure if I should throw them away, or just try to detach them from their "original" owners. Same goes to photos and, most importantly, memories.

I have to get used to plans being altered, to the disappointment that comes with it. To people disappearing.. To people not being part of my plans, or in other terms, life journey..

Sometimes, when life is going as perfectly as planned, you might think that you've got it all figured out, that you're amazing, a huge life master. I had the audacity to think like that, then I got slapped in the face. Life's ironic. Fortunately, every time a plan changes, it gives you a new perspective. As hard as change is, it reminded me how fortunate I am to have the support of my family and friends. Also it made me realize how sometimes we're blinded by our goals and thoughts and plans that we don't spend as much time with the people who have always been there and who really matter.

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Read another article here!